Search Results for: kim jong-un

Seoul-based rights group Transitional Justice Working Group (TJWG) released a report Wednesday on human rights abuses in North Korea. The report, titled “Mapping Killings under Kim Jong-un: North Korea’s Response to International Pressure” pulls information from six years of research and 683 escapee interviews to track killing sites, mass graves, and other locations which may contain [...]


Abstract: Following US withdrawal from Afghanistan, America’s security focus will turn more expressly to Iran. The core problem with America’s Afghanistan withdrawal was not one of timing or tactics, but of original misconception. In essence, the “Afghanistan Problem” stemmed from an initially underestimated and misunderstood military operation. Looking ahead, Afghanistan’s incoherent conclusion means, inter alia, [...]


“In the end, we still depend upon creatures of our own making.” -Goethe, Faust On core matters of national security, American analysts should think in terms of intellectual and legal criteria. Ignoring the day-to-day banalities of national and international politics, these strategists and policy-makers ought continuously to bear in mind that such primary standards may [...]


“Theory is a net. Only those who cast, can catch.” – Karl R. Popper, The Logic of Scientific Discovery (1934) During his March 25, 2021 press conference, US President Joe Biden declared “denuclearization” as America’s ultimate strategic goal for North Korea. Though such a declaration might first appear reasonable, it misrepresents what is plausible in [...]


Abstract: In principle, especially during a rare historical moment of extra-terrestrial exploration and immunological control, our species ought to render itself capable of managing nuclear threats. Prima facie, after all, the difficulties of transporting complex instrumentation to Mars and simultaneously fashioning effective vaccines against deadly pathogens should exceed even the most complex challenges of international peace. Nonetheless, [...]


The US Department of Justice (DOJ) unsealed an indictment on Wednesday charging three North Korean computer programmers with conspiracy to commit a wide range of cybercrimes, including attempts to steal or extort up to $1.3 billion from companies and financial institutions. The indictment alleges that the three men, Jon Chang Hyok, Kim Il and Park [...]


The South Korean Parliament passed a bill Monday that prohibits the launching of propaganda leaflets across the border into North Korea. For decades, South Korean defectors and campaigners sent anti-North Korean leaflets, as well as food, medicine, money, and USB sticks containing South Korean news and dramas, across the border to North Korea. They used [...]


“The mass-man has no attention to spare for reasoning; he learns only in his own flesh.” – Jose Ortega y’Gasset, The Revolt of the Masses (1930) In the United States, prima facie, presidential elections represent a core fixture of democracy. Nonetheless, though necessary – and never more so than in the just-completed defeat of Donald [...]


“Hic Sunt Dracones” – the Hunt-Lenox Globe, 1504 “Friction is the difference between war on paper, and war as it actually is.” – Carl von Clausewitz, On War Once again, on October 9, 2020, with immodest displays of tangible hardware, North Korea mocked Donald Trump’s lingering expectations of “denuclearization.” Here, in Pyongyang, President Kim Jong [...]